A great appetizer that is loved by all, especially men. Serve these meaty, cheesy delights on game day! For later use, place the topped bread on a cookie...
This is one of my favorite appetizers I make on the holidays when it's my turn to cook. It's very tasty if you like prosciutto, garlic, spinach, and ricotta...
This is a favorite of the men at parties. The first time I made them they were gone in a matter of minutes. These can be kept frozen in baggies until you...
Thanks to social media, food bloggers, and celebrity chefs with too much time on their hands, pork belly was/is all the rage. It's a common sight on menus...
This is another odd kielbasa recipe that surprises everyone. It's always a winner at parties. The best type of honey mustard for this recipe is a mustard...
When we are in Italy, one of our favorite things to do is to stop in at one of the local pizza places for a quick snack - a nice big square of 'Pizza Bianca...
Spam musubi is a popular snack in Hawaii. It is a type of sushi that features marinated cooked Spam. I got this recipe from a local Hawaiian friend when...